promovare dermatologieWe often fail to act, in expense of overthinking - marketing pentru dermatologie - Derma Marketing

Want to achieve “somethings”? DO some things :).

Many projects face the paradigm of overthinking secondary issues like scenarios on and on, in expense of building (which is acting). Action is the number one condition necessary to build, as thinking is the number one process necessary to act. So, a good advice will be to start building your mental projection in the expense of fine-tuning it forever. Act. Don`t be afraid of messing up. Its all right to fail in order to learn, its natural to explore your paths in order to find solutions; your brain is a puzzle of needs and uncertainty. And remember, people who do crazy things are not necessarily crazy, but they`re for sure “DOers”.

Rationality is found in facts, not beliefs

Don`t spend to much time trying to convince your buddies they`re wrong, because “you will never be able to convince a man to be mistaken; only reality can do this.” — Taleb. Move the project in the direction you believe in, and act as if you were hundred percent sure. The moment you will realize you found a better way to do it, you get back and improve – Agile style. Otherwise, if you don`t have a THING to improve you will keep optimize your mental projection which is not the real THING. Real things are rarely near perfect, isnt it? “If you do not take the risks of your own opinion, then you are no one.” — Taleb.

On the other hand, the “rationality” of some certain beliefs does not exist. Rationality is found in facts, as beliefs are almost entirely abstract. Furthermore, how we sapiens are craftsmen of the abstract, we also are architects of the holly hell. One belief that seem right for you today, can be proven wrong in some years. So, do not follow beliefs… let your thinking take off. Act on every thought like its the best, one day you`ll be right. Early bird, takes the worm! 🙂

ACTive project development

Work to improve the project every minute at any level. This is your evolutionist agenda. If you’re not happy with things the way they are, then you will be placing your happiness on hold, pending a condition that doesn’t exist yet. If you keep doing that you’ll never be happy. So don`t stop, you go there! Take the challenge of accountability further… with every step of the project. If your scope is good, your journey will be good. As well, the result will be… well not perfect but “mindpleasing” — everything exist in relation with something else. Your idea can be good in relation with A and not as good in relation with B. No worries, you can change variables and detour till getting “there”.

If you`ll always wait for the perfect solution, you`ll be outperformed by others who do not wait, but act. “A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.” — John C. Maxwell

Do not look after the perfect balance between underthinking and overthinking, because there is any. Look for the balance between act and think.

“The future belongs to those who learn more skills and combine them in creative ways.” — Robert Greene.

Alex @ Dental Marketing & Smartifact

Alexandru Pop @ Dental Marketing
dental marketing evangelist
+40 770 360 998

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SURSA: blog
AUTOR: Alexandru Pop, dental marketing evangelist @Dental Marketing

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